On Saturday, December 9th, 2023, members of Lambert High School PYFL held an In-Person Seminar at the Sharon Forks Public Library in Forsyth County. During the seminar, LHS PYFL directors touched upon various topics and taught participants about savings, credit, and risk management. Individuals learned about these topics through an interactive presentation which included both real-life examples of how these topics could be seen in the real world alongside knowledge check questions on each topic. Participants played a game of “Would You Rather” to put the information they learned during the seminar to the test. After the presentation, participants played a game of Kahoot which allowed the individuals to see what they knew and what they could touch up on.
"We were overwhelmed with the success of this seminar as we were able to interact and build connections with our participants by answering their questions as well as rewarding them with prizes after our Kahoot!" states Agamya Gehlot, a member of the LHS PYFL officer team.
The PYFL in-person seminar on credit, risk management, and saving proved to be a resounding success, as we impacted young individuals who participated. By explaining complex financial concepts and providing practical tools for navigating credit and risk, we believe we have empowered the next generation to make responsible financial decisions.